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קשרי חוץ

Summary of Information about each of WONCA Europe’s networks

How often does your network meet face to face? 

EGPRN: Twice a year, May and October with executive board and all national council members.

EUROPREV: Twice a year

EURACT: Twice a year

EYFDM: We hold 2 members events each year: our Forum (which beginning from 2019 will not be held on years when we also have a WONCA World meeting - so every 2 years) and our Preconference to the WONCA Europe conference.

Executive group meets 2-3 times a year (attempting to overlap with our forum and Preconference whenever possible and occasionally having an additional weekend meeting separate to these events).

Council meets once yearly during the WE Preconference. This year due to high demand we will also meet for half a day ahead of our forum.

EQuiP: Twice a year. The autumn meeting is for delegates and invited guests, the spring conference is open for all members and other people interested. Before the spring conference there is a 1/2day meeting with the delegates.

EURIPA: The Executive Committee and the EURIPA International Advisory Board meet twice a year for joint face to face meetings at the WE conference and EURIPA Annual Rural Health Forum.  The Annual General Meeting tales place during the Rural Health Forum

Is there an attendance fee for the meeting or do delegates just pay for their attendance?

EGPRN: yes attendance fee, in different categories as member : 200, early bird member :180, non member:400, reduced conference fee for 100 for age < 30  + member low income + member (but must take membership)

EUROPREV: No attendance fee.

EURACT: No attendance fee, members from low income countries [currently 5] receive help with travel costs

EYFDM: Members pay a registration fee for the Forum and the Preconference. We endeavour to keep this always <100 euros.  Council attendees are usually encouraged to register for the Preconference and take part in the plenaries and social activities outside of the council meet, but there is no technical registration fee for attending council.

EQuiP: members pay for a +/- cost covering  attendance fee. Other participants pay a slightly higher fee.

EURIPA: There is no charge to attend the EURIPA face to face business meetings for the Executive Committee and the International Advisory Board or the general meeting.  Members have to fund their own travel and accommodation.   However, every member has to pay their own fees to attend the EURIPA Rural Health Forum or the WE conference.  In 2018 for the Forum a discount of 25% will be available for EURIPA members who have paid their membership fee.

Do you run conferences? How frequently? 

EGPRN. Yes twice a year May and October, since 44 years

EUROPREV: Once to twice a year.

EURACT: Once every two years [started in 2016] Also annual course for Educators run by Slovenian members

EYFDM: As above we hold our Preconference annually and our Forum (previously every year, soon to be one every 2 years)

EQuiP: we have a spring conference every year.

EURIPA: Once a year: EURIPA Annual Rural Health Forum; this year is the 8th Forum.

Have you developed exchanges with other networks?

EGPRN: Yes; VdG, Euripa, Equip Euract  Europrev representation in the council meetings.

EUROPREV: Yes, with ESWI and PCRG, EQUIP and now starting with VdG and EGPRN.

EURACT: We have a EYFDM representative on council Exploring option of inviting other networks to send a representative to our council meetings.

EYFDM: We have a vast exchange program for young doctors with 3 types of Exchanges: Hippocrates (within Europe) FM360 (beyond Europe) and Preconference Exchanges (Mimi Exchanges ahead of conferences).

We do not have any formal established exchanges with other networks, however we do have young doctor liaisons with some networks.

EQuiP: we invite liaisons to both our meetings . often Euract and Vdgm liasions are present. We also had europrev at our spring meetings; we cooperated on mutual workshops and the rising star jury with special interest group on diabetes,….

EURIPA : We try;  this year in Krakow there is a joint WS with EGPRN and EURACT.  We are encouraging other networks to participate in our Forum in Israel in 2018.  In 2013 we held a joint conference in Malta with EGPRN and attended their Council meeting in Dublin in 2017.  Following engagement with EQuiP in 2012 at our Forum we participated in the Linnaeus project.  We have a good relationship with the VdGM and which has had a representative on the EURIPA Executive Committee for many years (until 2017 and we are hoping this will be re-established). We support VdGM in the awarding of the Carosino Prize.

Any comments about further collaboration?

EGPRN: EGPRN Council members and Committees  are really happy to have expertise and collaboration of all Networks. In the future Networks shall be more specific on their own field and let others make the best function in their topic,  provide support for each other.

EUROPREV: We started a new practice this year, regarding the II EUROPREV Forum that will take place in Porto, next November: we send an invitation letter to each WONCA Europe network inviting a member to participate in our Forum and offering the registration fee.  It had already a positive feedback from the other networks given the number networks represented in our II Forum will be already higher than in first one.

We are also making an effort to have always an EUROPREV’s representative in the others network’s open meetings. We have already an official liaison colleague to work with EYFDM’s liaision.

EURACT: We are delivering several workshops at Krakow in collaboration with the other networks. Planning to provide a small amount of financial support to council members who are able to represent EURACT at other network meetings.

EYFDM: Looking forward to hearing the outcomes of our survey to see the possibilities!

EQuiP: working together takes time and money. It would be great if it was possible to support this in one way or another

EURIPA: same comments as those of EQuiP.  Joint workshops and then projects would be a good start.  We would be keen to work with other networks to raise awareness of ‘rural’.

WONCA http://www.globalfamilydoctor.com/

EGPRN https://www.egprn.org/

EURACRT  http://euract.woncaeurope.org/

EQuiP http://equip.woncaeurope.org/

EYFDM https://eyfdm.eu/

EURIPA http://euripa.woncaeurope.org/

EUROPREV http://europrev.woncaeurope.org/